EvaluationsA full evaluation is our first step. We provide a comprehensive evaluation that runs about 90 minutes.
Our process starts with a comprehensive evaluation which includes, but is not limited to, the following areas: Gross Motor development: large motor skills Fine Motor development: writing, coloring, cutting and pasting as well as other daily living skills like buttoning, zippering etc which are all hand functions Visual Perceptual: the ability to see letters as they are shaped and the ability to breakdown the parts of writing to create a whole letter or word Core Strength: posture, strength, body awareness Bilateral Coordination: assessing if the right and left side of the body are in communication (seen with reversals in writing) Motor planning: the ability to plan, organize and execute tasks Perceptual Motor: visual spatial, attention/focus, ability to screen out background noise Sensory Processing: the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses. Executive functioning: organization, attention, managing time and materials |